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Americans love to go.
That’s why we were first to come up with a real car.
(We don’t even have to be going anywhere in particular – which is why we were also first to come up with the concept of “cruising”.)
But we like to stay connected, too.
And according to a new study from comScore, we’re getting ever more connected while on the go. They found that over 72 million US users accessed social media by mobile device in August alone – up 37% from 2010.
Most importantly? (For our purposes anyway…)
Over 40 million of those mobile users (52.9%, in fact) read posts from organizations/brands/events.
Advertisers and marketers should take note – mobile users are not only engaging with their friends through social networking, but a majority are also interacting with brands in these social media environments.
The numbers show, even on the go, we’re in the know. So! Get your ducks in a row. The mobile/social combo might help you make some dough.
(Apparently, we’re also poets. Who knew?)
We’d better watch… The boss will start to think we’re loco. And give us the heave-ho! Oh, no!
OK… now we’re just getting ridiculous. We’re done here.