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Well, well, well… Have we mentioned how we love to be right?
MediaPost is reporting on a newly released study that emphasizes how important new media is (and will continue to become) as part of an effective marketing campaign.
Forrester’s “Competitive Strategy in the Age of the Customer” finds that businesses should budget more toward social apps and site content with a focus on engaging the customer, and less on a one-way strategy that includes “advertising blasts”.
Now, where’ve we heard such good advice before…? Oh, that’s right. From us!
Come out from around your New Media network counters and meet, greet and assist your online customers with the same zeal and enthusiasm as your Grandmother did. Answer their questions, make them smile and they’ll remember to tell their friends about you when it comes time to make their decisions about purchasing a product.
But don’t take our word for it.
According to this TechCrunch article, 64% of Twitter users surveyed say they are more likely to spend their money with a company that answers their questions on Twitter.
While the survey also found that businesses are more likely to answer questions from a Twitter user with a higher number of followers, the writer suggests:
If you’re a business serious about user engagement on Twitter, go out of your way to sincerely answer sincere questions from users, no matter how many followers they have. They might just end up buying something.
Sounds like good advice to us. And we can help you.