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Businesses are still waiting – some more patiently than others – for Google+ to launch its version of brand pages. And while we wait, it gives us social media nerds something to wonder and write about.
Today there’s a post at uTalkMarketing that speculates whether G+ will be able to give Facebook a real challenge and, at the same time, manage to be an asset to brands.
What caught our attention was this (emphasis ours):
Two months ago Google launched Google+, its very own social networking site, with all the fuss and fanfare that you’d typically expect from the launch of a product from the king of the internet.
Clearly, they missed our posts on the GooglePlus-Facebook war.
While it might be accurate to call Google king if you’re talking about the entire internet, in the realm of social media Facebook still rules. And G+ is just trying to claim its own share of lands and titles.
(Looking back, we’re still pretty comfortable with our comparison…. Braveheart, baby.)
But ignoring for the moment our disagreement about the social media monarchy, what seems to be the gist of the post?
Will brands see Google+ as great a way as they do Facebook to engage with customers? In years to come will we talk about g-commerce in as an enthusiastic way as we now talk about f-commerce?
Only, the general consensus seems to be, if Google brings a unique selling point to the table that Facebook doesn’t offer.
But you see, G+ already brings a unique selling point. More than one, in fact.
According to AdAge, businesses are excited about the chance to try Google’s upcoming brand profiles.
Shiv Singh, global head of digital at PepsiCo, said he thinks Google+ has great potential because it combines the best of social media…
Mr. Singh said he’s looking forward to getting what it is that Google’s good at from Google+: analytics. “Google has said publicly that its going to roll out with really strong analytics,” Mr. Singh said.
But it’s not just analytics that Facebook can’t match. There are those circles everyone keeps talking about.
Brands could be the ultimate winners in the targeted “circle” game. Demographically sophisticated circles could allow brands to develop individualized messaging that will, finally, be relevant and interesting to their fans.
Beyond the circles, G+ has another feature Facebook can’t yet match – Hangouts. Despite the acquisition of Skype, Facebook does not offer the ability to video chat with up to ten users. And the only business currently on G+ is already using this feature to connect with their customers.
Ford has been using the “hangout” feature to have live video chats with fans and executives of the company.
So, Google+ will only be competitive if they bring something unique, huh?
Well, as far as we’re concerned, the many unique features G+ does offer bring to mind another unique innovation that turned the tide of battle and allowed the upstart rebels their first taste of victory…
That’s right… Those circles, hangouts, and analytics are the social media equivalent of the poles hidden amongst the Scots.
And just like the English, Zuckerberg never saw it coming.