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There’s no longer a question of whether your business needs a social media presence… Super Bowl advertisers are making headlines for their efforts at game-day engagement, and a Dartmouth marketing study finds that the Inc. 500 fastest-growing private companies in the US continue to expand their social outreach while trimming back the blogs.
Social media seems to stay prominent in the minds of the 170 responding executives with regards to brand awareness; 88% see social media as crucial to web traffic, while 73% believe social media important for customer support.
The downside?
Many of the executives interviewed in the studies believe that one of the major drawbacks to social media is the time it takes to create content as well as the time it takes to update and post to various platforms.
And if that’s true for the Inc. 500 and the corporate big dogs who can afford Super Bowl slots, it’s more so for the small business person.
The solution? Hire out.
While you’re in the business of running your business, you need a firm committed to the business of producing content and engaging your customers. That way, no comment goes unanswered, no customer goes unheard, and no opportunity is lost.