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Well, you could just about file this under “D” for “DUH”…
Some new surveys show an increased role for the internet (and, by extension, social media) in the holiday shopping season.
The National Retail Federation reports that 52.6% of smartphone users (and over 70% of tablet users!) plan to use their device to research products, redeem coupons and make purchases this year.
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We suppose this is news…
…to anyone who doesn’t read our blog.
We shared a comScore survey back before Halloween. (You know… about the time the malls are busting out the tinsel and Christmas music.) That study found that over 40 million mobile users read social media posts from organizations, brands and events.
We also told you – waaay back in September – that moms (the fastest-growing smartphone demographic, AND the primary decision makers for most household purchases) are also likely to turn to social media in their shopping. 95.7% follow companies to learn about discounts and new products.
Now, if that’s the case in fall before 60-odd percent of people even begin their holiday shopping, why wouldn’t it be the case as the shopping season cranks up?
We suppose it is news… to the folks not wise enough to get their info from us.
For those of you with better judgement… just file it under “D”, and carry on.
We plan to. While we’re doin’ the happy dance around the desk again.
Being right just never gets old…