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Seems some people still haven’t learned the first rule of business – namely, the customer is always right.
In a new study reported by eConsultancy, consumers and marketers were asked identical survey questions. The results? When it comes to social media, not everyone is singing from the same page of the hymnal.
How big is the gap between responses?
Click image to view full-sized.Consider…
Some more interesting takeaways…
And what about those brand marketers? What are their excuses reasons for dropping the ball?
We can understand a lack of time, resources, or know-how – especially with small businesses. A small business’s time is generally taken up doing the business of their business.
But 50% of brands aren’t fully engaging in social media because they can’t measure a return…?
We wonder… can they measure how much business they’re missing out on by alienating all those social customers?
Maybe they have enough money. Must be nice.
Do you?