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We talk a lot about Mom.
Mom, this… Mom, that… Mom, the other thing…
We sometimes sound… well… kinda like Mom, huh?
Well, today MediaPost is talking about Mom, too. They surveyed moms who are active on social media about their use of Twitter, and the responses should interest you.
And – in our opinion – the single most important finding from the survey?
73.1% say that they ACTUALLY PURCHASED A PRODUCT based on the Twitter recommendation of another mom!
And since we already sound like a broken record (heh… or your Mom), let us remind you of a few more facts about moms.
They’re the fastest growing smartphone demographic. Women (a group that surely encompasses moms) are most active on social media. AND, they’re often the primary decision makers for household purchases.
The conclusion: Today’s moms look to Twitter for information in a major way, and smart companies will use the space to reach this important demographic effectively.
We agree.
Not only do we agree, but we could say “We told you so!”… except Mom raised us better than that.
So we’ll settle for doing the happy dance.
Because we were right. Again.
Take it away, Snoop.