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The word is out that video is now the most effective medium to engage with your customers online. Shorter 30 second-3 minute commercial-like videos, longer YouTube Content such as webinars, and Facebook Live are all outperforming other more traditional advertising rivals.
Statistics are proving that customers are far more likely to stop in their newsfeed and watch a video than stop and read any text. Facebook has also grown more strict with rejecting photos that have text on them. So if you think that you can get around this by adding a clever saying to your photo, odds are you might be out of luck. Photos with writing on them often get censored from the newsfeed.
With this data and restrictive measures, businesses are finding it much more cost-effective to invest their advertising budgets into video content. Facebook Live is growing in popularity among businesses and organizations, but still many businesses are reluctant to start broadcasting live.
Live of course can sound intimidating. With so many variables, live video can seem challenging. But if you are ready to start building a team with Cote Media, we can guide you on the path of producing effective video content. The benefits are clear.
Facebook’s newsfeed algorithm favors Live videos. So you are more likely to appear in your customers’ newsfeed than with other advertising methods. Businesses started scrambling recently to reengineer their advertising plans when Facebook announced it would be limiting advertisers influence in NewsFeed. Businesses are reporting that the Live feature is not experiencing those limitations.
The ability to engage with your followers is far more robust in Facebook Live. During your broadcast you can ask and answer questions from your audience. Customers can engage with all the traditional like and love emojis as well. Your audience can enter its comments and opinions right into the comment section for you to respond. Don’t worry so much about negative comments. You choose what to respond to during your video and your comment feed can move quickly, pushing negative comments out.
You only need your smartphone camera and laptop for most broadcasts. It’s better to have at least one other staff member on-hand to help. With that crew, one person can use the smartphone video while the other crewmember can engage in the comments section with customers. That crew member can also alert the lead on-camera to notable comments.
Using Facebook Live makes you appear more credible and trustworthy. Customers see that you are willing to put yourself out there, and that helps build a trustworthy reputation. By appearing Live on Facebook, customers perceive you and your organization as more transparent.
You can include employees, managers, and even suppliers to your live stream that customers would not usually interact with. When launching a new product, for example, you can include an interview with the designer. Or how about an interview with a pastry chef or wine supplier? Your customers like knowing your personnel and the value they bring to your organization.
Bring your customers into an aspect of your organization not normally accessible. Running a restaurant? Why not bring customers into the kitchen and show them how you cook a popular meal? Shop for produce for your restaurant each morning? Why not launch Facebook Live to show your customers how fresh your produce is each day.
Live video supports the “like and know” principle of advertising. The more your customers can see you and your brand community, the more they “like and know” you. This builds brand loyalty and trust. Your informative video also builds awareness for your product or services.
Throughout your broadcast, you can drop hints or even mention sales and promotions. Your live broadcast should be more informative and less of a sales pitch. You want to approach your live video as offering value to your customers. You are teaching and engaging with them, not selling to them. Therefore, your call to action and promotions seem friendlier and less salesy.
With Facebook Live you are genuinely offering your customers something that is valuable to them for free. Think of the years of training and education it took for you to learn your trade. That knowledge and experience has tremendous value. By sharing that with your customers via Facebook Live, customers feel you appreciate and respect them.
Know your customer is another essential principle to marketing. How can you communicate with your customer if you don’t know what they want or think? You need to understand your customers’ opinion beyond just their Facebook data points. Communicating with your customer on Facebook Live offers you tremendous insight into what they are thinking. One comment can make you aware of something that could be a huge game-changer for your organization.
Message us today. We would love to meet with your and learn more about your business goals!