Be Ready with a Business Continuity Plan

March 18, 2020
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In recent weeks, we have seen the unexpected rise in business closures and slow-downs due to the spreading coronavirus pandemic. If you have not already established a Business Continuity Plan for your organization, now is a good time to start setting one up and making sure it is executed properly. 

According to,  a website that offers free tools for businesses to prepare for disasters and emergencies, there is a clear planning process that is recommended. This entails:

Block 1 - Business Impact Analysis:

  1. Develop questionnaire,
  2. Conduct workshop to Instruct business function and process managers how to complete the BIA,
  3. Receive Completed BIA questionnaire forms,
  4. Review BIA questionnaires,
  5. Conduct follow-up interviews to validate information and fill any information gaps.

Flows into:
Block 2 - Recover Strategies:

  1. Identify and document resource requirements based on BIAs,
  2. Conduct gap analysis to determine gaps between recovery requirements and current capabilities,
  3. Explore recovery strategies with management approval, Implement strategies.

Flows Into:
Block 3 - Plan Development:

  1. Develop plan framework,
  2. Organize recovery teams,
  3. Develop Relocation Plans,
  4. Write business continuity and IT disaster recovery procedures,
  5. Document manual workarounds,
  6. Assemble plan; validate gain management approval.

Flows into:
Block 4 - Testing & Exercises:

  1. Develop testing, exercise and maintenance requirements,
  2. Conduct training for business continuity team,
  3. Conduct orientation exercises,
  4. Conduct testing and document test results,
  5. Update BCP to incorporate lessons learned from testing and exercises. also recommends the following resources:

If you're looking for more advice and resources for Business Continuity, please visit the links above. For communications and media strategy related to business continuity, please call us! 

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