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So you have found out that your Facebook Pixel is missing from your website, and you have a Facebook Business Page and Instagram Business Profile. Or you don't have social media pages, but you're ready to start either now or in the near future.
What next? What are your next steps?
How did it happen? It might be a variety of reasons. But believe it or not, right now, so many web and advertising companies are NOT installing the pixel on their clients' sites when they launch.
It may seem shocking, but even some of the best designers are not installing the pixel. They consider Facebook and Instagram a separate facet. They consider themselves web designers, and after they design the site, advertising is for advertising agencies or even in-house marketing departments.
That's not how we operate at Cote Media. We know that the pixel is indispensable, and we can prove it. We make sure all our clients have the pixel on their site and we don't start advertising campaigns without it. Unless they give us a very good reason why they object to it.
Before you say, I didn't even know I had the pixel, how am I supposed to manage my own campaign?
OR before you say, I can manage everything fine by myself!
You need to start considering attending one of our workshops.
If you are on the fence on either of these strategies and want to be sure you're running things properly, it's time for a one-on-one with Russ Cote. Or even a small group workshop.
Time and again, our workshop attendees become shocked when they realize that they thought they were managing their Facebook and Instagram Business Manager with confidence but were really not -- even owners with the Facebook Pixel.
So after you discover you are missing the pixel, it's time to decide for sure if you want to hand over the keys to Cote Media and allow us to start running your Business Manager properly OR if you want to see if you can do it on your own at one of our workshops.
If you want to keep managing it on your own, attending a workshop is a safe bet. It's a good idea to make completely sure you have your campaigns set up properly and linked to your website. Russ will help you perform this check-in one or two 3-hour sessions. He can bring the workshop to you, or you can attend at his offices.
Don't wait. If you are missing the pixel, contact us for a free consultation. We will recommend either a workshop for you or other options. Don't worry! We have a solution for you. Contact us today!